Why hire a freelancer?
“Why should I hire a freelancer?” is a common question we get. We got the answer for you right here: First of all, a video editing freelancer is on average cheaper than a professional bureau. Our freelancers do not have much costs since they are usually working from home, therefore they can offer you a cheaper rate. For video editing, location is not important. You can work with any editor around the world, but if you prefer face-to-face contact, you can search for an editor near you. Good freelancers have a lot of experience. Each project they do and each client they work for increases their knowledge and experience. These benefits are used for your job too. Check out the portfolios of editors and select an editor based their previous experience. “How do I pick the right freelancer?” Might be one of the first questions you have when you consider hiring a freelancer. Picking the right freelancer on Viedit is easy. You can choose editors based on their verified portfolios or on the offer they do on your project. All our freelancers are rated based on their portfolios by the Viedit team.